Thursday, August 6, 2009

China Trip 9-Class Begins

Today was the first day of class. We started late because it was the first day. I was glad, because I didn’t quite understand the schedule and I was up to teach first. I didn’t have another class until 10:25 so I was told to go rest. From what? I had just eaten breakfast and went to school. But I did as I was told. Tommy let me use his computer for a quick email since our hotel didn’t have it. Everything was in Chinese—of course—and I don’t want to use that computer again.

Since I didn’t have a “second class,” I went in and watched Brittany. Then, for the next class Brittany was off, so we both watched Junior. He was suave. He told the kids not to chatter, to speak in English, not to be shy, and to listen, and they did as they were told. This did not work for me.

At 10:25 I went into class and tried to imitate Junior, in my own way. But the kids were more interested in me, and what I was wearing. I asked if they had any questions, but they wouldn’t ask any. I did get “Do you have a boyfriend?” from one, but other than that, nada. I kept checking my watch, sure it was wrong. Sure I actually had less time, or that time was going in slow motion.

At lunch I actually did have to go home and “rest” because my stomach was all tied up and it hurt. How on Earth am I going to do this for 2.5 more weeks?

I “taught” 2 more classes in that fashion ate dinner, and went home defeated. I tried to call Gary because it was early morning there, and again, no internet, but he didn’t answer. I called Barb (from Brittany’s phone) and she assured me it would be okay. Maybe I can come there after school tomorrow?

Recently though, there have been hints that I will have to work on the weekend. I wish they would just give us a definite answer. I think because they started the program late, they want to get the most out of it. After all, they are paying us a lot, compared to what the normal teachers make.

**Post note: Don't worry, this feeling didn't last :)
sorry no pics again.

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