This weekend Vincent and I went to my friend Alyson's graduation party. I was a little worried because it was right at V's nap time.
The party was held at Lone Elk Park and we went early to go to the Wild Bird Sanctuary which is located in the park.
The party started at one, and we waited until everyone arrived to eat lunch. So we ate around 2:15. V was a little angel at the party and everyone doted on him. He used his manners: please, thank you, excuse me, and covered his mouth when he coughed. He didn't have any accidents and he listened to me very well.
He ate his lunch and even stayed seated while he was eating (this is huge for a 2 year old). I almost couldn't believe how wonderful he was. We had pork steaks, baked beans, potato salad, and vegetables and V ate some of everything except potato salad.
Everyone told me how good he was, which made me feel really good. At the beginning he was all shy and hiding, but by the end he was sitting on some of the ladies laps and holding their hands talking to them about... who knows what.
Also, his beautiful blue eyes were a hit. He was the only child there, but he really was the life of the party. We had a wonderful time and I think my friend did too. Later, she text me a thank you for coming and told me how good V was. He was super flirty with her, especially. What a fun afternoon.
He fell asleep less than 2 minutes after we got in the car to go home. We hadn't even made it out of the park. Here are a few pictures for your enjoyment:
A Vinny Owl:
My Vinny Owl
Vincent seeing how big he is compared to a California Condor... Not too big.A game
Me, V, and Alyson
Alyson, her beau, and mom doing bunny ears
Graduation girl with some friends
Testing the camera after some soda got spilled on it... oops
When they wanted cake, they made my V go "beg." He even had to get on his knees. It worked though :)
They said, "say Cheese" and he said "Cheeeese... cake!"
Leaving the park we saw 2 elk. This one was in the road.A little deer butt. I couldn't get him facing me and there were several cars behind me.
Looks like fun!