I know I'm really behind with this post, but I still wanted to post something.
This is a picture hanging up in my son's room:
I made it when I was in kindergarten. If you can't read it, it says "When I gro up I want to be a mom."
Just a few years after I made this picture, my family went through a house fire. We lost pretty much everything, but somehow this survived. I love this picture (even though I misspelled grow) because even though I grew up and made new goals for myself, I accomplished the one thing the 6-year-old version of me wanted to accomplish.
I know what you guys are thinking: "It doesn't take much to be a mom." In a sense, sure. But I think my younger self would have wanted not just to be a mom, but to be a loving, caring, compassionate mom. A mom who would give up anything in the world for her child(ren) and strives to be a better mom each passing day and year. Young Karen would want herself to be a mom who gives her child everything, but teaches them the value of hard work, independence, education, friends and most importantly- family.
I'm not perfect, but I try to do those things. I love my son more than anything in the entire world. I think the love a mother has for a child can't be explained with words. I think I can be a good mom because I had a good momma growing up. My dad wasn't in his children's lives. My mom worked hard to be both a mother and a father to myself, my sister and my brother. She worked hard and taught us to work hard. She loved and taught us to love.
And while she's not perfect either, she can say she did her absolute best. If you read this, thanks mom. . . for all of that.
Enough being sappy.
I know I've said on here before I don't put a lot of stock into Mother's Day. Every day is Mother's Day because every day I'm a mother and I have the love of my child. What more could I want?
This year, Vincent made me a really awesome scrapbook card at school and a butterfly picture using his feel as wings. At his preschool they make a ton of stuff with painted hands and feet. I love it.
Gary and Vincent picked me up a sweet old video camera.
It still had the guarantee with it.
New, the video camera cost $140.

The best part?
It goes perfectly with my grandpa's old typewriter and an old adding machine I have.
Please excuse all the shadows.
I don't know a ton else about it. I need to do some research, or just enjoy it-which I already will.
I hope that however you spent Mother's Day, that you enjoyed your day.
My niece, brother, mom, sister, son and myself.